Check out this list of professional learning
you can have offered at your site...
Email us at for more info
If there are specific learning and teaching challenges that could be resolved by "associating" with your colleagues,
let us know by emailing
Professional Learning Programme
PL Host Programme
PMA Members - become a PL Host now!!
As a PMA member, you can act as a "PL host" and reap the benefits of an on-site learning opportunity!
You as a PL host..... PMA MathsSA provides...
- Choose which PL you want to host - The presenter
- Negotiate a date and time with PMA - Catering
- Provide a learning space that meets - Advertising to the other sites
COVID-SAFE requirements in your local area
- Provide tea/coffee
- Access FREE places at the
professional learning event for your staff
Country and Metro members are welcome to act as PL hosts