About PMA
Our Vision
That PMA MATHSSA is the vehicle for promoting and developing mathematics and numeracy learning and teaching for and with Birth to Year 6 Educators across South Australia.
Our Mission
To promote excellence and innovation in the learning and teaching of Mathematics and Numeracy
Our Objectives
to act as a voice for mathematics and numeracy education by representing the views of members and educators in a variety of forums
to provide opportunities for educators to share and challenge their knowledge and understanding
to promote the importance of mathematics and numeracy in the wider community
to produce a range of publications and provide access to a comprehensive professional learning programme to promote effective practice and highlight issues and developments
to liaise with education systems and national organisations to inform and contribute to mathematics and numeracy education
to provide models of effective educator practice
to encourage children and young people to participate in mathematics and numeracy
Congratulations to PMA’s Award Winners at the Educators SA 2022 World Teachers Day Event
Helping our SA children and young people become
the best mathematicians
they can be!
Greg Parker
PMA Lifetime Contribution Award
Andrew Plastow, Ngutu College –
Educators SA WEF Contribution
to Learner Agency Award